Course Syllabi

Course Syllabi

On this page, you will find links to various course ideas and syllabi. Here is a link to the template for Syllabi.


For those attending the OMT Teaching Roundtable during this year's Academy of Management meeting:

Here is a link to the Syllabi for the 2008 OMT Teaching Roundtable.


Courses, by category


Change in Organizations

  1. Leadership of Organizational Change
  2. Organizational Change and Redesign
  3. Organizational Structure and Change
  4. Managing Organizational Change
  5. Managing High Growth Organizations



  1. Venture Opportunities & Business Models



  1. Institutional Analysis of Organizations


International Management

  1. International Management and Organizations


Organization Design and Analysis

  1. Organizational Analysis for Management
  2. Organizational Dynamics
  3. Organizational Structure and Change
  4. Organizational Behavior For Management
  5. Organizational Change and Redesign
  6. Organizational Theory and Design


Organization Theory

  1. Organization Theory
  2. Organizational Theory and Design
  3. Organizations in the 21st Century: Theories of Organizing
  4. Organization Theory in Sport & Physical Activity
  5. Sociologia das Organizações e Inovação
  6. Organization Theory (doctoral seminar)
  7. Organizations & Administration
  8. Complex Organizations
  9. Complex Organizations (seminar)
  10. Organization Theory



  1. Strategic Leadership
  2. Leadership of Organizational Change
  3. Leading Innovation and Organizational Effectiveness


Human Capital

  1. Human Resource Management



  1. Power and Influence in Organizations
  2. The Paths to Power


Social Networks

  1. Network Structures of Effective Management
  2. Six Degrees of Separation


Strategy & Policy

  1. Business Policy
  2. Manual Strategy & Innovation
  3. Implementing Public Policy


Other topics

  1. Individuals and Organizations
  2. Foundations of Business Thought
  3. Markets and Society
  4. The Rise of the Networked Society


Courses in Spanish & English

  1. Organización de Empresas

Courses in Portuguese & English

  1. Sociologia das Organizações e Inovação


Courses, by intended audience


